WordPress Plugins that Will Make You a Better Affiliate Marketer

If you’re an affiliate marketer, you know that it’s important to focus on all aspects of your business, including the WordPress Plugins. If you want to be successful, you’ll need to have a strong website and an arsenal of marketing tools at your disposal. Fortunately, there are many WordPress plugins that can help with both of these things. Here are five plugins that will make you a better affiliate marketer in no time at all!

1) Shareaholic

No one wants to waste time converting visitors into subscribers. That’s why Shareaholic can help by generating sharing buttons in whatever size you want and automatically providing tracking links, shortened URLs, and other options. There are paid plans available but if you are just starting out, it’s recommended to use Shareaholic’s free option because it lets you customize your sharing buttons and make them look nice without having to pay any money. No matter which plan you choose, though, I have found no plugin better than Shareaholic for making sharing as simple as possible for your readers.

2) Lazy Load For WordPress

For most sites, images and other types of multimedia can be major bandwidth hogs. Lazy Load is a fantastic plugin for optimizing performance when it comes to images, ensuring only necessary images are loaded at any given time. When combined with other methods (like using conditional tags), it’s possible to load only one image on mobile devices and another image for desktops! By doing so, you’re making sure not to slow down your site—particularly on mobile—while also helping Google in their quest to improve page speed scores. If you’re interested in making sure your WordPress pages load as quickly as possible while also loading faster overall, then Lazy Load could be a perfect choice.

3) CrazyEgg

This simple analytics plugin reveals exactly where your users are clicking on your site—and what they do next. What’s great about CrazyEgg is how simple it is to implement (don’t worry, you won’t need any code), and how many ways there are to slice and dice user behavior. It can also track users across multiple devices, so if someone browses your site on their desktop and then moves to their smartphone, CrazyEgg will follow them around. It will even show you which links they clicked first! If you want to dig deep into user behavior, I don’t think there’s a better tool out there.

4) CloudApp by Dropbox

CloudApp is one of those ‘I wish I had invented it’ apps. It allows you to share screenshots, photos and more with just about anyone. If someone wants to check out what your product looks like, for example, all they have to do is click on a link and see for themselves. Click here for step-by-step instructions on how to add CloudApp buttons and links within your content.

5) Hide My WP

This plugin is great for setting up multiple blogs to work in concert with each other and for allowing you to control when your content is public or private. It’s one of our favorite security plugins because it does what you’d expect (and more) with an easy-to-use interface. Use HMWP to hide your WP Admin bar, login pages, Dashboard elements and anything else you don’t want logged or harvested from screenshots. HMWP also allows you to use proxy connections between multiple sites (also known as virtual private networks). The Pro version of Hide My WP has additional features like SSL redirection and IP cloaking but we find its primary function—security—to be sufficient enough without spending extra on upgrades.

6) Akeeba Backup for WordPress

Backup your site automatically to another location so you don’t have to worry about data loss or hackers taking over your website. This plugin is handy if you’re planning on upgrading your hosting service, such as moving from Shared hosting to VPS or dedicated servers, for example. It will save you valuable time and energy that could be used elsewhere. With Akeeba Backup for WordPress installed, you can just sit back and relax—your data is being backed up while you watch Netflix in bed! Check out our guide to free backup plugins if you’re looking for more options!