Reasons Why You Should Add Black Pepper to Your Diet

Black Pepper has been used as an essential spice in many cuisines around the world for centuries. However, what most people don’t know is that there are some really great health benefits to using this ingredient regularly in your diet! In fact, it can do wonders for your digestion, circulation, and even your skin! Make sure you add this wonder-spice to all of your dishes from now on!


Although antioxidants are often associated with fruits and vegetables, black pepper is actually an antioxidant. It contains polyphenols, which is a type of antioxidant that helps reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. Consuming foods rich in polyphenols can help prevent inflammation, so they’re especially helpful for individuals suffering from arthritis or autoimmune disorders. Interestingly, studies have shown that black pepper can work as well as ibuprofen for certain types of pain relief. so it’s a great alternative to reach for if you’re dealing with sore muscles or headaches!

Heart Health

According to a 2005 study published in The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, pepper contains rutin, which has been linked with several heart health benefits. The chemical helps blood vessels maintain their structural integrity, which means it could prevent or help manage plaque buildup within them. Researchers from Egypt reported that eating pepper may also lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglyceride levels—both factors that may play a role in reducing your risk for heart disease. Eating pepper-spiced food can also help decrease high blood pressure; according to researchers from India, consuming three grams of black pepper daily lowered systolic blood pressure by 11.6 percent after two months.

Cancer Prevention

Scientists aren’t entirely sure how black pepper prevents cancer. There are a few theories, though. One possibility is that it has anti-inflammatory properties. (Some scientists believe inflammation can help cancers grow.) Also, people who eat spicy foods tend to drink more milk than those who don’t; milk contains a compound called calcium d-gluconate, which may have an anticancer effect in its own right. Another theory is that compounds found in black pepper may stimulate certain enzymes in your body, causing you to detoxify cancer-causing chemicals.

Improves Digestion

Research suggests that black pepper has a positive effect on your digestive system. In one study, participants who ate white bread dipped in water mixed with black pepper had a higher blood flow and better digestion. That means they were able to break down and absorb nutrients more effectively than those who didn’t consume any black pepper. If you want to improve your digestion, then consider adding some freshly ground black pepper to your meal preparation or meals themselves!

Boosts Immunity

That black pepper burns isn’t just good in dishes – it boosts your immune system as well. According to a study published in 2003 in The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, capsaicin, an active ingredient found in pepper, stimulates white blood cells and enhances cell-mediated immunity. For optimal results, add about a half teaspoon of freshly ground pepper to any food that’s been cooked or consumed at least one hour before eating. For example: If you like drinking tea for breakfast but don’t have time for breakfast before work, you can enjoy your morning cup with a healthy sprinkle of pepper. The fiery flavor may be startling at first but it will eventually become pleasantly habit-forming. You’ll start to crave it!

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

A study published in 2006 found that black pepper may help reduce symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, an inflammatory disorder in which joints become inflamed and sore. Scientists believe that it may do so by helping block enzymes called COX-2s. These enzymes produce a compound that creates pain and swelling when it interacts with our cells, but some research has shown that black pepper can block COX-2s from doing so. Another study published in 2007 found that rats fed black pepper saw reduced inflammation and swelling in their stomachs, likely due to compounds called tannins. Research is ongoing into whether or not these same anti-inflammatory benefits hold true for humans as well.

Weight Loss

Research suggests that black pepper might help you manage your weight. A study published in Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry found that when rats consumed a diet high in unsaturated fat, it increased their weight and abdominal fat deposits. When researchers added black pepper extract (called pipeline) to their diet, they were able to prevent these outcomes. Scientists aren’t exactly sure how black pepper helps ward off weight gain, but one theory is that it may have something to do with regulating insulin levels in our bodies and helping us control our blood sugar levels more effectively. Because a spike in blood sugar levels after eating often results in hunger later on—which could lead you right back into a cycle of consuming excess calories—controlling your blood sugar could ultimately help you lose weight.